A ‘Fast and Furious’ Workout – Part 1

There are two things everyone who exercises wishes for. Their first wish is that results came easier. “There should be a pill for this.” is what I hear from clients nearly every day. Wish number two (which could just as easily be number one) is that results came faster or with less time investment.

Well, I have good news and I have bad news. The bad news is results—really noticeable results—will never come easy. There is always a price to pay and when it comes to losing fat, building muscle and getting fit and effort is that price. The good news is results can be seen faster and with very little time investment!

I have for you a ‘Fast and Furious’ workout that when performed just three times a week is guaranteed to build muscle and boost your metabolism so you can develop a lean, toned physique.

What makes this routine work? Intensity of effort.

How important of an ingredient is intensity? Imagine trying to bake cupcakes without eggs…that’s how important! Yet rarely does anyone train with a level of intensity that is sufficient in signaling to the body to become stronger or more fit beyond its current state or condition.

Intensity is defined as the possible percentage of momentary muscular strength and volitional effort exerted. In other words it is the amount of strain your muscles are under at any given moment during an exercise. Intensity is considered to be at its max (100%) when you have reached the point of momentary muscular failure. This is when the muscles are so fatigued that they can no longer generate enough force to move the weight being lifted despite you putting forth all your mental and physical effort. When you train with this level of intensity it becomes unnecessary and counterproductive to perform a large amount of exercise. This is why the fast and furious workout works so well and is incredibly efficient despite what you might view as being very little exercise.

If there is just one thing you take away from this article and nothing else I hope it is this:

It does not matter how many reps, sets, workouts or time you spend in the gym, without applying maximum intensity of effort you may as well resign yourself to never progressing beyond your current physical condition.

Intensity is the cornerstone of not only the routine I will outline in Part II but it is the engine that will drive your results regardless of all other factors. In Part II I’ll provide you with the specifics of the training program so you can be on your way to getting significant results, fast.

How to Perform Your Exercise for Ultimate Success

Every fitness magazines, blog and book promises that their training method or program that will lead to, Faster Fat-loss, Bigger Biceps, A Flat Stomach, Toned Arms in 10 Days, Sculpted Legs, Better Sex and a host of other desired, over-exaggerated and embellished benefits of exercise.

It’s amusing to read the some of the reasons given by the author as to why and how their program will succeed where others have failed, especially when the program has no scientific backing or logical basis. But heaven help us if there is some celebrity or athlete who endorses the program! Then the program must be legit!

Without fail these routines typically…fail. Aside from the most obvious reason that no routine or specific formula can address or make up for the various intrinsic and extrinsic factors of all individuals, the second common reason why they fail is because they never address how the exercises should be performed. This “oversight” is most common with weight training or any type of resistance training programs. Specifically, they give no detailed instruction on repetition performance other than a few generic recommendations like, “Lift the weight under control. Don’t cheat.” or “Move slowly.”

It is impossible to provide anyone with a training routine or to follow a routine that is certain to produce the desired result unless you are assured that the exercises will be performed properly or in the manner intended. Although the repetition is the most fundamental element of weight training it is also the most overlooked, under-appreciated, and misapplied. This should come as no surprise. Consider how many of us have stepped into a gym for the first time and carefully thought out exactly how we will perform our very first repetition. It would not be a long shot to say none of us, unless the first visit was with a very mindful and detail oriented personal trainer. Unfortunately many bad habits are established within those first few months or years of training which for many will never be reversed.

Whether new to exercise or a seasoned veteran, it serves one well to be very clear about the purpose each repetition serves. It should not be as simple as moving the weight from point A to point B—that’s a simpletons approach. In the simplest way I can explain, the purpose of each repetition is to maximize muscular tension and place the greatest amount of strain on muscles possible while minimizing the strain placed on the joints and tendons. This is best accomplished by moving at a tempo slow enough to keep momentum from becoming a contributing factor in the completion of each repetition and being able to feel the muscles at each point of the range of motion.

Fast repetitions (i.e. 0.5-2 seconds to lift the weight, 0.5-2 seconds to lower it) utilize momentum to carry out a better part of each repetition whereas repetitions performed slowly (i.e. 4-6 seconds to lift the weight, 4-6 seconds to lower it) must rely on the force generated by the muscles in order to complete each rep. Moving slow makes performing the exercise harder and as we know, the harder or more demanding an exercise is the greater the likelihood of it stimulating an improvement in you physical condition or development.

Effective weight training begins and ends with the repetition. It is the foundation from which every set of every workout is built, and will be a determining factor in any programs success. Address the rep and everything else will begin to fall into place.

How to Create Your Workout Program

I won’t beat around the bush, tease you for a handfull of paragraphs and keep you hanging around waiting with bated breath for the answer to the question everyone wants to know, how do I create a workout program? I’ll tell you upfront.

The very best way to create a workout program is from the bottom up.

This means starting with a small amount of high-quality exercise then, slowly adding more after you have measured the results of the work you’ve already done. Some might find this to be tedious and too slow of a method for discovering what is ideal. However the time spent during this process is well worth it over the long-run as you gain a better sense and understanding of what you need to do to realize future success. The most difficult aspect of this process for those with limited exercise experience or who never received proper exercise instruction (i.e. 98 percent of those who work out on their own) will be determining whether the exercise being performed is truly high in quality (see last blog entry: How to Perform Your Exercise).

Immediate success does not come except by chance. And even then continued success will be hard to come by because you will be unaware or get a false sense of the cause for your immediate success. If you are someone with two or more years of training under your belt reflect for a moment on all the different training programs you’ve tried that have been unsuccessful in delivering the results promised. Most of them were likely routines plucked right out of a magazine or book designed by someone who knows nothing about you yet still prescribed specific rep ranges, number of sets or workout splits to perform each week.

What every one of these “canned” exercise programs or workouts has in common is that they each have you performing arbitrary amounts of exercise, after which, you still have no idea why or how the program did or did not work. As with all “canned” routines your outcome is a roll of the dice.

If over that same span of years you had endeavored to work from the bottom up as opposed to searching for the “magic workout” and jumping from one set of training criteria to a completely different set, you would today have a better understanding of what works best for you. Your chances for continual progress would be much improved because you could now predict with some certainty what will transpire if you chose to take your training in one direction versus another based upon the information you gathered and your understanding of past experience. Instead you are probably just as confused today as you were back when you first started, about what to do and how to do it.

We live in a society that wants immediate results. Just watch some of the fitness infomercials or read the ads in fitness magazines and you’ll notice a common thread. Each product promises to deliver results fast. Rarely do they live up to their hype. Although the “bottom up” approach may not be as enticing, it assures you of a better understanding of what works best for you and how you can make informed decisions in the future to make or maintain your progress.

While everyone else will be plodding through their workouts hoping to stumble upon something that works, you will already be in possession of your key to success…information.

It’s All My Parents’ Fault

You can blame my parents, they made me like this. So in the spirit of Thanksgiving…thanks Mom, thanks Dad! I surely would not be the merciless, unsympathetic, disciplinarian personal trainer I am today if it weren’t for them.

All kidding aside my parents are a very big part of the reason I made fitness my career. At an early age the pushed me towards athletics and for whatever strange reason I actually enjoyed exercising. More specifically, I enjoyed strength exercises like push-ups, pull-ups, sit-ups, rope climbing, etc.

When I learned that all the guys big muscles lifted weights I was intrigued. I was also 8 years old and my parents were not about to let me lift weights because it could “stunt my growth” (more on this myth later). However like most kids, once you tell them they can’t do something it drives their desire to do it to even greater heights. So I proceeded to beg, plead and bug them to let me lift weights.

They wouldn’t concede. But they did promise that once I turned thirteen I could start lifting.

The common belief then, and even today, is that weight training in adolescents will damage their growth plates. Contrary to this widely held belief there has never been a single research study or any documented proof of this occurring, especially in an controlled exercise environment with proper supervision.

I don’t know what other 13-year-olds got for their birthday in 1990 but for me it was a universal weight machine. Almost instantly a third of my parents basement was transformed into “Mike’s Gym.” An obsession begins.

Today we know far more about the benefits of strength training for adolescents yet we here little and see even less. Despite research and empirical evidence showing that adolescents can build strength, increase musculature, improve endurance and conditioning, manage their body fat, and strengthen their bones and joints, few youth strength training programs exist. This month at my private personal training studio (the grown up version of Mike’s Gym) my staff and I are rolling out our new youth program pure physique junior.

It’s our hope that one day the kids who make their way through PURE PHYSIQUE can look back and thank their parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents and coaches for getting them involved in strength training at an early and influential age. Who knows, they might just go on to become a fitness professional!

Winning The Fitness Game

At PURE PHYSIQUE our annual Fitness Challenge is in full effect. Whether you’re a member of ours competing in the contest or you workout on your own competing against yourself, how you go about “winning” is exactly the same.

I know that not everyone will actually follow through on my advice which is why I don’t hesitate to spell it out for anyone who wants to know. Those that do employ the strategies I’m about to layout will certainly hold a huge advantage over those that don’t. In fact 8 out of the last 10 place winners of our contests have applied these strategies and I’ve used them myself and with those I’ve coached for bodybuilding and figure contests to achieve their all-time best condition and earn top placing.

The best approach is often times the simplest. For some reason we try to make things harder or more complex than they need to be. Perhaps it’s because the simple approach requires us to do things that are tedious or calls for more sweat equity and attention to detail. It’s just not fun!

Winners don’t concern themselves with “fun” they concern themselves with winning. As it relates to your fitness pursuits winning is not necessarily tied to making the top three in this, or any contest. Winning is taking yourself from where you currently are to where you want to be or at least making significant strides in that direction. So even if you don’t make the top three, or even the top ten for that matter, but lose the 5 lbs that you’ve struggled with for the last four
months then you won.

The strategy that time and time again works without fail is tracking your food intake. I’m not just talking about writing down what you eat, but actually weighing and measuring your food so you know precisely how many grams of carbs, proteins, fats and calories you are consuming. It doesn’t matter that you eat healthy, don’t have treats, or don’t drink alcohol. At the end of the day it takes going just 1 calorie over what your body actually needs for you to store that extra calorie as fat. I know most of you are probably going more than just one calorie over which is why it’s that much more important to start tracking. When you know specifically how much you’re taking in it becomes much easier to determine how much needs to come out in order to start burning body-fat.

Reinforcing this point’ last year’s winner of The PP Fitness Challenge, as well as my girlfriend and myself in preparation for our last bodybuilding and figure competition, performed no cardio. All of us achieved our all-time best condition by tracking our caloric and macronutrient intake and consistently performing 2-4 weight training sessions each week.

Next, you can’t miss workouts. If you need to move to a different time, a different day, fine, but you can’t miss. There is a certain degree of consistency that is necessary in order to keep your metabolism working at its highest rate and your strength and muscle development at its peak.

Lastly, you must approach each workout being 100% focused and work to your greatest capability. There cannot be any holding back, no whining, no complaining, NO EXCUSES, just hard work all the time.

There is certainly nothing sexy about the above strategies but they are tried and true. I will not attempt to fool you into thinking that any of them will be easy to apply because they won’t be. But I will tell you this…if you make a truly valiant effort and apply all of these strategies you will find yourself achieving success beyond your wildest dreams

Before Your Workout, Eat Like This

Nutrition plays a big role in your ability to engage in an intense and productive workout. How and what you eat in the hours leading up to your workout can determine whether or not your energy, focus, and performance is at its peak.

Here are some simple guidelines to eating right before your workout:
•Eat 1-2 hours before your workout. Eating too close to your workout could cause you to feel sick or feel sluggish while having your last meal too far in advance could leave you with few nutrients to fuel the workout.

•Consume a moderate amount of low-glycemic carbohydrates and protein as well as a very small amount of fat. (If you are currently eating low-carb then at least 25-30% of your days carbohydrates should be consumed during this meal).

•Examples of low-glycemic carbohydrates that will provide a slow release of glycogen (sugar) to the muscle during your intense workout are brown rice, sweet potatoes, sprouted grain bread, rice cakes, oatmeal, and fruit.

•Good sources of protein include egg whites, chicken breast, turkey, Greek yogurt, cottage cheese and protein shakes.

•Good sources of fat include almonds, nuts, natural peanut butter, or almond butter. However your carbohydrate and protein foods may contain enough fat making the addition of these fats unnecessary.

•Be sure to drink 16-32 oz. of water so that you are well hydrated. Being the slightest bit dehydrated will result in you feeling fatigued, lethargic, and your muscles (which are 70-75% water) functioning below par.